Why DaisyUI Kit

Start with CSS. Sprinkle in VueJS

You can do a lot with CSS. VueJS lets us go beyond any limitations to give your users exactly the UX they desire. Where it makes sense, we've integrated components with reactive v-model support.

No Memorizing Class Names

When you don't have to memorize class names, you can start building right away.

Semantic Markup

It's much nicer to read component names than <div class="" />. It reduces mental overhead and frees up creativity.

Built with TypeScript

Since DaisyUI is built with Typescript, you get type-friendly components and props. The props practically document themselves.

Great Documentation

The DaisyUI Kit documentation is loaded with examples. Expand the code panel below any example to copy, paste, then customize.

Small Bundle Size

We've found the perfect middle ground that captures the ease-of-use you get with components while also not bundling a lot of extra CSS class utilities.